Swat 4 Port Forward

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Somehow, whatever I do, I always see my dedicated server on the LAN network, and others can't connect (ofc, because its not online in the published server list).I have ports 0 & 7777-7780 forwarded, both UDP & TCP to my PC. Also tried it with DMZ and windows firewall turned off.Weird thing is, one of my friends can also only get it to work on LAN, while another friend, using exactly the same commandline, boots it up as an internet server!Wonderful game anyway.Thanks in advanceUsing.

Code: mnc.exe server HostileLobby?game=HostileGame.HGameInfoPreGameLobby?bAllowJuicePurch=True?bAllowBotPurch=True?bAllowHazards=True?bAllowMascot=True?bAllowCustomClass=True?bAllowChangeClass=True?bForceRndClass=False?bIsLanMatch=False?bIsDedicated=True?bAllowTeamSelect=True?bAutoBalance=True?MatchDuration=2?OTDuration=2?ClassLimitAssault=6?ClassLimitTank=6?ClassLimitSupport=6?ClassLimitAssassin=6?ClassLimitGunner=6?ClassLimitSniper=6?ServerDescription='myserver'?GamePassword=pass -ServerInstance=0 -log=DedicatedServer.log -STEAMDEDSERVER gives log. Code: Log: Log file open, 02/01/11 12:26:13Log. Re: Dedicated server only on LAN? (I have ports forwarded)DHCP is enabled on my router/gateway (, but it has reserved the IP for my PC ( by coupling it to the MAC-adress. I forwarded 0, 7777-7780 and 1200, both TCP & UDP, to servers, printers & pc's on the network also have this 'semistatic' adressing, only laptops & phones get random adresses.I also tried as DMZ, but the dedicated server still only shows up on the LAN servers tab, so turned that off because of security issues (no firewall turned on).When I make a non-dedicated server - same result.

If you want to play Co-op with your friends or any other gametype, there's a very useful piece of software for you with which you can host and join over 600 games and demos online (including SWAT 4) with friends and opponents worldwide. You can submit a request to have it added to this page and the Simple Port Forwarding program. Submit Application/Game Ports; Application Name TCP Ports Only UDP Ports Only TCP & UDP Ports; 1st SMTP Server (25) 3-In-A-Bed (4871). Swat 4 (3) SWAT 4 - The Stetchkov Syndicate (3) T.120 Data sharing (1503) TalkSwitch. In the majority of cases, port forwarding is no longer needed. This tells the router to forward requests from certain games directly to your Mac's local/private IP.

I do not have the LAN checkbox marked, still, when I alt-tab out and start a second instance of MNC (on my own PC or on my GF's PC), it only shows up under LAN.When I invite someone to either my dedicated or non-dedicated hosted game via the steam layout (shift-tab - click on arrow beside name - invite to game), they see a message that they can not connect to my IP ( I guess that is understandable, since they should connect to my external IP (95.96.x.x).Having a few good standalone server boxes at home and fiber 100/10mbit with very low latencies, i'm disappointed I can't offer a server or two to my friends and other MNC players though.

I can run other game servers and lighttpd/FTP/SSH/openVPN/etc. Servers without problems here, so it's either a problem in my game configuration or some conflict with another service (altough I decoupled my other servers just to try that out). I don't really expect it to be a problem in the router, unless I missed another port.:roll:Thanks for the pointers anyway, I'll keep fiddling around.BTW, is it normal for the game to 'default' to LAN, even when you specify that you want an internet game, when it can't bind to ports or something? Should I be able to see it in the game log somewhere when binding fails, or when it fails to register with the Uber Ent. 'listing' server? Re: Dedicated server only on LAN?

(I have ports forwarded).hits head against wall.I tried it with windows firewall turned off, saw a rule for MNC in there, turned it back on, and then went on trying other things. Never thought it would be wise to keep it turned off while trying other things.:lol:Apparently, the rule in the windows firewall was broken, since it dit not contain the correct path to the executable (only some gibberish unicode-squares and chinese looking symbols), so it was blocking all inbound traffic to mnc.exe.

(IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH CRY OF FEAR, VISIT!!)The forums of Cry of Fear is fairly absent of users (including me) to assist players with their issues in CoF. You can only look up old threads of problems that you might have, otherwise trying to create a new thread will be ignored/never seen.-People are having problems playing Co-op with a friend - either through the, 'Host Server' option or, 'Dedicated Server' tool. The 'Dedicated Server' tool gives out an error, '.offset for isdonator!' And crashes the server, while 'Host Server' just doesn't allow connections. BEFORE YOU BEGIN. If you or your friend can't seem to get connections to the server after following the steps, please check your Windows Firewall to make sure it is not blocking connections to your Cry of Fear. You may temporary turn off your firewall to test to see if your Firewall is blocking connections to your server.

If so, adjust the settings in your Firewall to allow your Cry of Fear to have connections.-Here are 2 ways to connect and play Co-op in Cry of Fear. Playing Co-op (WITH HAMACHI)You will need:. Hamachi (duh)Here is the www.vpn.netto download Hamachi (Your friend needs Hamachi as well). You'll have to create a login now to use Hamachi if you haven't used Hamachi before, but it is pretty simple - username, email, and password and that's it.After downloading Hamachi, start Hamachi up, and setup a network (Hamachi Network 'Create a new network' Fill in the blanks with whatever you want) and tell your friend to get in the network (Tell him the name and password).After he joins the network, copy your Hamachi IPv4 (located next to the Power Button Icon ex.


X.xxx.xx.xxx you may left/right-click around this area and click 'Copy IPv4 Address') and don't forget it, you are going to give it to your friend in a bit. Start up Cry of Fear and start a server like usual (Host Server etc.) BUT make sure LAN is checked before starting.Now, you are going to give your Hamachi IP to your friend in this form.

Swat 4 Stetchkov Syndicate Port Forward

Playing Co-op (W/O HAMACHI)You will need:. a Static IP Address. Port ForwardingI should note that going with this step will require a user who have knowledge of their router and system, or else you will struggle trying to perform this step to host a server. It's best that if you aren't computer/networking savvy, stick with Hamachi.To start off, if you are unaware of your static IP, you may use Google to find tutorials on where to locate your static IP (this will help you host the server in a bit).

If you do not have a Static IP, you will need to know information about your router in order to look up tutorials on how to set up a static IP on your router in order to continue.To find the ports you need, go (If link doesn't work, look up 'Steam support ports'). If you do not know how to port-forward, then look at tutorials (you need to know the information about your router before doing this) - you can use this program as well.Start up Cry of Fear and host the server (Host Server etc.) with LAN off.After you're in the Co-op lobby, tell your friend to type this in his console ( key) to connect. Connect:27015Hopefully, this should work.IF YOU CAN'T SEEM TO CONNECT, PLEASE REFER TO 'BEFORE YOU BEGIN.' SECTION ABOVE.If none of the above steps work, then let your friend try hosting, following either steps (with or without Hamachi).-EDIT: Forgot one step in Playing Co-op (w/o Hamachi) EDIT 2: Corrected mistake under Playing Co-op (with Hamachi), this was probably the reason nobody could use Hamachi, sorry guys!EDIT 3 (2/24/15): Slight adjustment to tutorial so it looks more organized and easier to read. Removed some text, developers are 'done' with developing Cry of Fear and will no longer update the game, so this tutorial is here to stay.EDIT 4 (6/1/16): Added warning/troubleshoot step above steps about Firewall.EDIT 5 (1/15/17): Changed Hamachi download link.EDIT 6 (6/13/17): Updated Hamachi info, slight edit to some text.EDIT 7 (8/22/18): Updated Hamachi info regarding connect command. You don't necessarily need the port number at the end of the command to connect, but you can use it if you like (the ':27015'). Also added that you can left/right-click on IP next to Power Button and it gives you an option to 'Copy IPv4 address'.