Czerny Etudes By Difficulty
I don't see why you can't work on both simultaneously. I personally don't believe in the teaching philosophy of 'first you learn this, and then you'll be ready for that.' There may be something to be said for that method, but I find it to be somewhat old hat and unrealistic. I think you should frequently be working on pieces that are 'above your level' so to speak.
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You may not be able to play those difficult pieces well for a while, but overall I think you'll improve at a much faster rate. Just my opinion though, and I'm sure your teacher has his/her reasons.Peace,Bri. 'I personally don't believe in the teaching philosophy of 'first you learn this, and then you'll be ready for that.' I am entirely in agreement with Brian on this.
She suggest czerny op.599, 299(shool of velocity), 740(finger dexterity), ordered by difficulty. And she said once after I have finished czerny. May 12, 2010 - For technique, the teacher keeps giving her Czerny op 821 pieces from the. And choose the right etudes, pieces, and exercises to meet them.
Apply this damaging method to the extreme and, like Achilles in his race against the tortoise, you'll shoot yourself in the foot with the starting pistol. I think this imposition of serial learning is one of the reasons we have so many musically inhibited people.
How many times do we hear, even from talented and advanced players, some absurdity such as, 'Oh, I can't improvise or write anything because I don't know what counterpoint and dominants are - I'll have to attend harmony classes first and I can't do that just yet because I've no money'The foremost teacher of classical piano around here when I was very young told me I 'must' stop playing ragtime and 'must' play hundreds of scales every day for months. Only if I did these things could I dream of learning Chopin.Absolute poppycock! Just do whatever you want to do in music and play whatever you want to play. Chopin's studies aren't really studies in the sense of Czerny anyway - Chopin wrote pieces of music.
My teacher has me playing 299.bleh.I'd rather be learning. Anything else.It's kind of like doing agility exercises, hate them and they make me hurt sometimes (. Czerny have their didactic uses and do prepare the fingers well for transcendental etudes. However they are not nearly so interesting as the etudes of Chopin and Liszt.
How To Practice Czerny
As ever it depends on the students capabilities and interests and whether they have the ability to cope with technical and musical virtuosity all at once or whether a more gradual pace is needed.One my old teachers used to regularly assign Czerny alongside Chopin Preludes as these are often like short versions of the Chopin etudes. Can argue with her method she has many competition winners amongst her students so it seems to work. To be specific It is certainly not NECESSARY to play the whole op740 first but then neither is it necesary to study an etude at all. Teachers have reasons for assigning the rep they do - ask if it's bugging you and if they haven't got a good reason and are not prepared to be flexible I would suggest a change of teacher because you are obviously not enjoying studying them all and are ready for a change of challenge. I would imagine that the reason teachers encourage students to learn Czerny first is so that the one dosen't become discouraged by the difficulty of the Chopin Etudes. But this also depends on the student.As a student; I was more attracted to Chopin than Czerny,and had no problem playing several etudes (granted I had an excellent teacher to guide me as well) I was also assigned Czerny, but I had a choice as to which I wanted to play, and I wasn't forced to play any I didn't like.One should learn Czerny to play Czerny, and Chopin to play Chopin! I think it's a good idea, but learning the entire Czerny Op.740 is bullshit.
I think there's at least 200 etudes in that book, and there are only 27 Chopin etudes. Learning some of the Czerny's etudes are essential for having a good foundation in fast notes for both the left and right hand. If you're looking for three-part pieces, you could play Bach's Sifonias, Preludes, and Fugues. Chopin's Etudes are good to play first if you want to play Liszt's etudes. Liszt's etudes are freaking hard and would probably take someone like Rubenstein years to master all of Liszt's etudes. So here's the order:1. Czerny Etudes2.
Chopin Etudes3. Liszt Etudesbtw Liszt was a student to Czerny, I think.