How To Import Contacts Into Windows Live Mail

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How can I import these contacts into Thunderbird? I recently re-loaded a new copy of Windows 10 after having used a downloaded free copy for some time. I lost my Windows Live Mail program and found it difficult to download a new copy.

Importing and Exporting in Windows Live MailWARNING: If you delete any accounts out of Windows Live Mail you will delete all of the E-mails and Account Settings. Make sure you back up any files that need to be kept or they will be lost!Exporting Folders in Windows Live MailWARNING: If you delete any accounts out of Windows Live Mail you will delete all of the E-mails and Account Settings.

Make sure you back up any files that need to be kept or they will be lost!. To export folders in Windows Live Mail open Live Mail. Once open click on Blue Button at the top left.


Then go to Export email and click on Email Messages. After you have clicked on Messages, the Window Live Mail Export window will open.

Here you will need to select the file format that you want to export. If you are making a back-up or going to recreate an account select Microsoft Windows Live Mail, after you selected your file type click Next. Once you have clicked Next, the Location of Messages screen will come up. Here you will need to select a location for the files to be saved, to back-up the files click on Browse.

Then the Browse For Folder window will open, here you will need to create a folder to back up the Folders. From here click on Desktop, then click on the Make New Folder button, and name the folder. 'Do not simple select the Desktop or other main file locations because there will be multiple files created for the back-up.' Once you have named the folder select the folder and then click on OK.

You will then be back to the Location of Message screen and then click Next. After you click next you will be at the Select Folders window. Here you can select all folders or selected folders, once you select your option click Next. Once the files have been back-up all you will need to do from here is click on Finish. Now the files should be back-up to the saved location. It is recommended to double check to make sure the files were backed up before deleting any account settings or folders.Exporting Accounts in Windows Live MailWARNING: If you delete any accounts out of Windows Live Mail you will delete all of the E-mails and Account Settings. Make sure you back up any files that need to be kept or they will be lost!When exporting account(s) in Windows Live Mail it will save everything into one single file.

This will back-up the account settings along with emails. To export contacts you will have to go to the contacts section to import or export. To export an account in Windows Live Mail open Live Mail, once open click on the Blue Button at the top left. Then click on Export email and then Account. Once the Accounts window is open you will need to select your account from here, and then click on Export. Make sure you select your account or by default it will try to select and export Active Directory even if it is not listed. After you have select Export the Save file window will open, from here you can select the location of the file.

Once you have selected the file location, click on Save. After you have click on Save the file will be saved in the location you select, you can now click on close on the Accounts window, and our now finished. It is recommended to double check to make sure the file was backed up before deleting any account settings or folders.Exporting Contacts in Windows Live Mail. To export contacts from Windows Live Mail simply click on Contacts in the lower left hand corner of Live Mail. Once the contact window opens you will then need to click on the Export button at the top of the menu bar. When the menu opens then click on Comma Separated Values to export the contact into a single file. If you are wanting to export to a mobile device it is best that you choose Business card (.VCF) which is supported by most mobile devices and many other mail applications.

After you click on the Comma Separated Values button the CSV Export window will appear. Here you will need to select a file location by clicking on Browse, once you click on Browse the Save As window will open.

When this window opens you will need to select a location for the file, or if you are creating a VCF back-up you will need to create a new folder because it will create a file for each contact. Training manuals template. Once you have selected a location click on Open. Now it will take you into the folder location you have seleced, then you will need to name the file in File name, and then click on Save after you have named the file. After you have clicked on Save, the Select Fields window will open. Here you will need to select the fields the you want to back-up, then you can click on Finish.Examples of CSV and VCF file formatsAs you can see below the CSV file is a single file that you can open in excel and the VCF file has an individual file for each contact.Importing Folders into Windows Live Mail. To import folders into Windows Live Mail you will need to first open Live Mail.

How To Import Contacts Into Windows Live Mail

After you have opened the program click on the Blue Button at the top left. Then click on Import Messages. Once you have clicked on Messages the Import Messages window will open.

Here you will need to select the program you are trying to import messages from, after you select the program click Next. Here you will need to select the location of your email messages that you are wanting to import by clicking on Browse. After you click on Browse the Browse For Folder window will open. In this window you will select the file or folder you are wanting to import and then click on OK. Once you click on OK the Select Folders window will open, here you will need to select the folders you are wanting to import, and then click on Next.

After you have clicked Next, you will see the folders import and then you can click on Finish.Importing Accounts into Windows Live Mail. To import an account into Windows Live Mail you will need to first open Live Mail. Once you have opened the program click on the Blue Button at the top left.

Then hover over Options and click on Email Accounts. You will then see the Accounts window open, here on the right hand side please click on Import. After you click on Import the Import Internet Account window will open. Here you will need to select the.iaf file you have saved, once you select the account file you can click Open. The account will then load into Live Mail, then you can close the Accounts window, and being to send and receive mail.Importing Contacts into Windows Live Mail. To import contacts from Windows Live Mail simply click on Contacts in the lower left hand corner of Live Mail. Click on Import, and then click on the type of format you have selected for your contacts.

In this tutorial we will be using Comma Separated Vales. Once you have selected the Comma Separated Values it will bring up the CSV Import window. Here you will need to select the file location by clicking on Browse.

Here the file browse window will open, from here you will need to select the location of your CSV file, then click Open, after you click open it will take you back to the CSV Import window, and click on Next. After you click Next, you will be brough to the Map Fields window. Here you will need to select the fields that you are wanting to import, and then click Finish.


How To Import Contacts Into Windows Live Mail 2012

Now all your contacts should be imported into the Contacts section of Windows Live Mail.