Mutants And Masterminds Character Sheet

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The only 3E editable character sheet I'm aware of that can be edited on a laptop is a pencil & paper one, in a scenario in which one is utilising ones laptop as a solid object in lieu of a table or other flat surface. If you want an editable 3E character sheet you are going to pretty much have to make it yourself. Hero points Power points Earned Power points Spent Strength Stamina Fighting Intellect Agility Dexterity Awareness Presence Offense Initiative Dodge (agl) Parry (FGT) Fortitude (STA).

  1. Dc Adventures Character Sheet
  2. Mutants Masterminds 3e Character Sheet
Mutants And Masterminds Character Sheet

What kid hasn’t pretended to be a superhero at some point: worn a cape, “flown” around, bounced imaginary bullets, or shot “blasts of power”? After all, the superhero is the perfect modern fantasy: powerful, respected, and loved by the public, but with a message of responsibility, duty, truth, and justice.

Dc Adventures Character Sheet

Mutants and masterminds character sheet download

Mutants Masterminds 3e Character Sheet

In countless comic books, graphic novels, cartoons, and live-action television shows and films, superheroes continue to thrill and capture our imagination while also celebrating some of our better qualities. Who wouldn’t want to be a hero?