Killing Floor 2 Best Support Perks

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  1. Best Support Champion
  2. Killing Floor 2 Best Support Perks For Kids
  3. Killing Floor 2 Best Support Perks Review

Best Support Champion

New players to Killing Floor 2 that would rather use something with a bit less finesse than the Commando will find the Support Specialist perk accommodating. With the ability to weld doors faster than all other perks, as well as the ability to repair destroyed doors at any point with their upgraded welder; the Support Specialist orchestrates a squad's killing floor. Black ops 2 zombie glitches. Stay In Your Lane. There are 10 Perks in Killing Floor 2, each of which has a specific set of weapons that are designed to benefit from the classes passive perks. For example, if you level up the Sharpshooter Perk to level 15 you will have the option to pick a skill that increases your weapon’s reload speed.

Killing floor 2 best support perks 2

Medic is a good pick if the team doesn't have one.Swat gets some handy survival skills like starting armour and has a useful emergency crowd control in the form of his flashbang grenades to stun zeds.The drawback is his ammo is expensive if the team doesn't have a support to resupply from.Commando is good for learning zed health and effective headshots, plus lets you extend the slow motion zed time which is very powerful later on.Support is a good all round class and can let teammates get extra ammo right away. The drawback is the shotguns have a slower fire rate, so you have to make your shots count if you get surrounded.Other perks are worth trying too, but some are less forgiving for stray shots or rely more on teammates for protection than others. Stick to normal diff to get a hand on what the game is about until each perk is level 5, then try taking on hard diff with the one you feel most comfortable with, and get that perk to 15 level. Then try suicidal with that perk.

Once you get it to 20 or 25 - either dump it and start over with another perk, or attempt HoE if you're confident enough.Only thing to keep in mind is which perk does what in terms of killing zeds:Zerker and Firebug are good at keeping trash at bay, first by facetanking, other by melting it on sight, but not as great at taking down big zeds (scrake, fleshpound ) in quick succession - unless you have god-like aim with eviscerator and at least 15 lvl, and you don't have first for some time. Each perk is unique but you almost always gotta have the big 4:-medic-bezerker-sharpshooter-demolitionsThey are either the lifeline, tank, or big zed killers on any team and deserve the most focus on.zerker is the rock that stops zeds on their tracks, a stonewall jackson.Med heals and buffs everyone, and gains dosh for doing so.Demo is a big must on zeds, especially bosses, fleshpounds, and quater pounders.Sharp is the same as demo but mainly on headshots only. Hence it requires more practice but benefits from the main core damage since KF1, HEADSHOTSNot to say the other perks aren't useful but the big 4 should be your main focus. Commando, Support, Medic.From a co-op Point of view, you'll often be able to play one of these perks without being the second player in that role.

Killing Floor 2 Best Support Perks For Kids


Killing Floor 2 Best Support Perks Review

These perks are also the strongest spine to build a team from not just because they are good at what they do, but because they make little mess doing it. They all have a reletively low skill entry level and require the least ammount of effort to be good at (they also have some of the highest skill ceilings imo), their jobs also are not the most demanding either (♥♥♥♥ing up with them is not an instant team wipe / get killed scenario, not like demo / sharpshooter).Alot of people will suggest berserker, you won't learn anything worth a damn by playing that class as none of it's skills transfer to anything else and it also enforces bad habbits that will get you killed as another class. Originally posted by:Commando, Support, Medic.From a co-op Point of view, you'll often be able to play one of these perks without being the second player in that role.